- Display size 80 x 48 cm
- Black display box with waterproof transparent frame.
- 2,048 LEDs in green
- 2,048 LEDs in red
- 100W Solar panel
- 12V 65Ah Battery
- LEDs displaying numbers in a standard font
- Can detect vehicle speed between 11-180 km/h up to 60 m with high accuracy
- Speed limit can be set as desired
- Displaying number in green when the detected speed is under the speed limit, and red when the detected speed is over
- DOT MATRIX technology, numbers are displayed fast and clear
- High visibility with
- 2 add-ons signage with
Solar-Powered “Your Speed” Signboard
- LEDs displaying numbers in standards font
- Can detect vehicle speed between 11-180 km/h up to 60 m with high accuracy
- Speed limit can be set as desired
- High visibility with